- Nyxoah calls for UK to get tested for OSA
- Eight million in the UK are affected, yet 6.5 million remain undiagnosed.
- Sleep Apnoea affects more people than diabetes, yet the UK population is unaware of fatal conditions.
- Easy testing can save lives and prevent reduced life expectancy
This Sleep Awareness Week (9th-15th March) Nyxoah, a medical technology company that develops breakthrough treatment alternatives for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA), is urging adults in the UK to wake up to the silent killer sleep apnoea and get tested. With twice as many people wrongly believing that diabetes is more prevalent in the UK than sleep apnoea, 1 in 3 adults are living undiagnosed of this fatal condition.
Sleep Apnoea is far more than just snoring – as a serious and potentially life-threatening condition, it affects nearly 8 million people in the UK. Shockingly, 6.5 million remain undiagnosed, unaware of the dangers they face each night, as new research revealed by Nyxoah, shows that 33% of the UK do not know what sleep apnoea is.
Ben Fear, UK Director for Nyxoah says; “Despite its high prevalence, sleep apnoea remains largely misunderstood. When left untreated, it significantly increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, and depression and even reduces life expectancy by up to 10 years. Greater awareness is needed about this potentially silent killer.”
Not surprisingly, due to many myths about sleep apnoea, the latest research reveals that nearly 20% of people think it is either falling asleep during the day or not being able to fall asleep at night, not a fatal disorder.
Although snoring isn’t sleep apnoea, loud, irregular snoring can indicate it, which can shorten life expectancy by up to 10 years. While weight is a risk factor, sleep apnoea affects people of all body types and ages—it can affect adults of all ages, including those in their 30s and 40s.
“Millions of people may be unknowingly putting their health at risk every night, says Professor Vik Veer, one of the UK’s leading experts in sleep apnoea. If you feel tired during the day (especially before 11am), snore so loudly that you are heard through a closed door or wake up to pass water frequently at night (without an infection or large prostate), then you ought to consider getting checked.
“The STOPBANG questionnaire is a good screening test before you see your GP, but if you score high or intermediate risk for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea, then you should get a sleep study. Diagnosing and treating this condition early can transform lives.”
Effective treatment options are now available on the NHS – such as the CPAP mask, mouth guards, surgery or implants that stimulate the tongue to move forward out of the way to allow you to breathe.
The revolutionary Genio device by Nyxoah, which was launched in December in the UK and can restore quality sleep, improve health, and even save lives. GPs can refer people with suspected sleep apnoea for testing and treatment.