Due to the coronavirus pandemic, more than 85% of prescriptions are now being processed electronically. These figures are from the latest Data taken during April 2020 and shows the increase of prescriptions dispensed within primary care in England using the Electronic Prescription Service. There was an increase of nearly 10% since February, and 20% since 2019.
Time and money are being saved with EPS because the use of paper processing by pharmacists, GPs and the NHS Business Services Authority is significantly decreased. The need for unnecessary face-to-face contact has benefited both clinicians and patients keeping them safe.
The increase of using this system has been expanded into walk-in centres, GP Access/virtual hubs and out-of-hours settings. In EPS, prescriptions can be sent electronically after patients nominate a Dispensing Appliance Contractor (DAC) or Pharmacy. If a patient needs to use a different pharmacy for whatever reason, they can make use of a once-off nomination where a prescription can be sent to an alternative pharmacy without effecting their existing nomination.
Sam Robinson, Associate Director of Live Services at NHS Digital, said: “Sending prescriptions electronically not only increases efficiency and saves the NHS money, it also helps patients and staff practice social distancing by reducing contacts.
“We are proud that EPS is supporting clinicians and prescribers to care for patients during this challenging time.”
54% of GP practices are using Phase 4 of EPS. This means that the service allows patients to use electronic prescriptions without a nominated pharmacy. Prescriptions can be downloaded using a unique prescription ID after the EPS Phase 4 was rolled-out last November.
GP’s have also been encouraged to register their patients to use the Dispensing Appliance Contractor (DAC). This service allows patients with repeat medication to collect their prescriptions regularly at appropriate intervals at their nominated pharmacy. The batches of medications get prepared in advance by pharmacists so that patients don’t have to request it from their GP every time. The pharmacist will make sure that the medication is still appropriate and safe for the patient before dispensing, and will answer any questions the patient might have.
Due to the coronavirus, the need for consent for patients to move to eRD has been temporarily suspended. Practices in England can decide to transfer any suitable patient to eRD if they already have a nominated pharmacy. Patients will be informed of any changes made to their prescription procedures.
Article source: https://digital.nhs.uk/news-and-events/news/increase-in-use-of-electronic-prescriptions-during-coronavirus

Tracy is an Editor and Marketing Director who helps healthcare professionals and technology companies work together to digitise the UK healthcare system. After many years of helping award winning technology companies bring their innovations to the UK market she launched the Health Tech Digital resource platform which keeps healthcare professionals up to date with industry news and technology solutions for their establishments. Tracy is also the Marketing Director of Reborn Marketing Ltd and has worked with both private and public sectors focusing on technology in the UK for the past 7 years. If you have news you would like to share or would like to get in touch regarding your healthcare technology solution you can reach Tracy at tracy.williams@healthtechdigital.com.