NHS staff targeted by nearly 140,000 malicious emails last year
Cyber criminals bombarded NHS staffers with a total of 137,476 malicious emails last year, according to official... -
3 Things Clinicians Need to Know About Covid-19
Clinicians have arguably seen the biggest difference in day-to-day operations since Covid-19 shook up the industry. It has brought on... -
App designed to help reduce hospital admissions in Midlands
A digital remote care solution including a mobile phone App is being used by Dudley CCG to help improve the care of... -
Mental health hubs dedicated to healthcare staff
Health care staff have been at the frontline of fighting against the deadly Coronavirus, and while saving... -
The Future of Digital Healthcare across Primary Care
Collectively, the NHS must embrace the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, which saw mass adoption of... -
Channel 3 Consulting announces ambitious plans following MBO
CHANNEL 3 CONSULTING has announced ambitious plans for growth following a management buyout. The company helps health... -
Removing the red tape: streamlining the recruitment of international healthcare workers
TrueProfile.io urges NHS trusts to turn to blockchain-enabled verification to unravel lengthy recruiting processes and make the... -
National patient information video library added to NHS.uk homepage
HCI’s patient information video library, supported by NHSX, is now available via the NHS.uk homepage. With 60... -
Social care at breaking point as winter takes hold
This winter is exceptional with the healthcare sector caring for an overwhelming number of Coronavirus patients – but...