
Local people urged to improve their health and wellness in Bike Week

Bike Week is the UK’s biggest awareness-raising event for cycling.  It is not only a celebration of the joy of getting outdoors and riding a bike, but also an opportunity to remind ourselves of the benefits cycling brings to our health, wellbeing, communities and the planet.

This year, we are celebrating all cyclists and encouraging more people to take up cycling.  When more people cycle, communities become happier, healthier, greener, and more connected.

Cycling has many benefits for your health and wellbeing: it is an excellent form of exercise that helps maintain a healthy weight, reduces the risk of chronic illnesses, and boosts mental health by reducing stress and anxiety.  Cycling also has a beneficial environmental impact: choosing to cycle instead of driving reduces carbon emissions and air pollution, and helps combat climate change, contributing to a cleaner, greener planet.

Cycling fosters a sense of community by connecting people, promoting social interactions, and creating more liveable, bike-friendly environments.  Additionally, it is a cost-effective mode of transportation that reduces travel expenses, promotes local business, and can alleviate traffic congestion.

Craig Lister, associate director for primary care transformation and prevention at Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board, said:

“Cycling is more than just a mode of transportation; it’s a tool for improving public health, reducing our environmental footprint, and building stronger, more connected communities.  Regular biking can significantly reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity, so I’d encourage everyone to embrace the benefits of cycling during Bike Week and beyond.”

Dr Tim Simmance, associate director of sustainability and growth at Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board, added:

“Cycling plays a crucial role our vision of sustainable development. By encouraging more people to cycle, we can reduce our reliance on cars, decrease traffic congestion, and foster economic growth in local communities. Which also contributes to the reduction of air pollution. Bike Week is a fantastic opportunity to highlight these benefits and inspire positive change.”

Whether you are a seasoned cyclist or new to biking, Bike Week is the perfect time to get on your bike and be part of a positive movement towards a healthier, happier, and more sustainable future.

For more information about bike week visit https://www.cyclinguk.org/bikeweek


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