Event Partners

Healthcare Partnership Network

Boutique-style healthcare event heads to Leeds for more industry-leading case studies, networking, targeted business meetings and keynote presentations on transformational change within the NHS.

Healthcare Partnership Network (HPN) provides a platform for NHS leaders to come together to share their own views and experiences, as well as being a showcase for current active innovations.

HPN – exclusive to director and senior NHS leaders – is completely free of charge to delegates, and includes meals, refreshments and overnight accomodation.

Transformational change within the NHS is challenging to implement correctly. That, combined with the ever-changing technology landscape and the national determination to, streamlining business processes whilst seeking to maintain leading-edge patient care is difficult. Whilst some succeed in implementing a cohesive strategy, many NHS organisations are still rankling with their decision making. Unfortunately, there isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ solution to this problem.

Healthcare Partnership Network (HPN), created by Partnership Network Events (PNE), allows NHS leaders to come together to share their own views and experiences as well as listen and learn from others in the healthcare sector.

At HPN’s next engagement, delegates will experience a range of keynote presentations, leading case studies, formal and informal networking, along with targeted business meetings with suppliers. The event has a boutique style, which encourages discussions and more interactive networking on a personal level.

Emma Challans, Deputy COO at Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust said: “What’s great about the Healthcare Partnership Network is that it recognises, promotes and facilitates the key relationships between suppliers and healthcare providers. Trusts are always looking for new solutions that put patient outcomes first, and I believe there are now many commercial partners, entrepreneurs and suppliers who align with this vision, and lead by this mantra. HPN is brilliant in promoting these partnerships, and making all the key people in the industry aware of the benefits. These events can be really powerful idea generators, as well as a great knowledge sharing and networking opportunity.

The Dragon’s Den style presentations and business meetings give partners an opportunity to get their powerful messages across, in a limited amount of time. It allows for an invitation to see what’s available. Partners can say, this is what we could do, this is what we have done, and this is what the impact of this could be for you, your organisation, and your patients.

The business meetings invite people to have a very succinct introduction to the art of the possible.

I hope that members will get a real insight into the art of the possible, in terms of what successes and what best practice is available. I want attendees to be curious and ask, what has actually been implemented and what are the tangible outcomes as a result? So that they can see a real impact on patient care and staff HWB.”

Learn more about the next event here: https://www.partnershipnetworkevents.com/

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