Accredited suppliers for electronic patient records launched by NHS
A list of accredited suppliers of electronic patient record solutions has been published by the NHSX and... -
CM’s scheduling and mobile technology supports HHFT’s innovative, person-centered end-of-life care
Lack of capacity in our hospitals, fuelled by delayed hospital discharge is a common theme in todays... -
The Use of Mobile Devices in Healthcare (Infographic)
http://www.home-healthcare-adaptations.ie/disabled-bathrooms-dublin... -
£1.8 billion for NHS frontline services
A new £1.8 billion cash injection has been confirmed for the NHS by Prime Minister Borris Johnson... -
Trust implements major new Patient Administration System
North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust, which runs Peterborough City, Hinchingbrooke and Stamford and Rutland Hospitals, has... -
The Long-Term Plan
On the 7th January, NHS England Chief Executive Simon Stevens launched the Long-Term Plan to much fanfare.... -
New survey finds that slow tech adoption is impacting pharmacy services
A new survey released on 20th June 2019, has found that 87% of pharmacists believe the profession... -
Medicine Procurement Exercises To Test No Deal Brexit Plans
The government is conducting a range of procurement exercises to help plan for freight capacity in the... -
UK Dementia Residents’ Pain Monitored using Artificial Intelligence following PainChek and Person Centred Software Partnership
PainChek, the world’s first smartphone pain monitoring and assessment technology, has partnered with Person Centred Software, its...